This website is generated using Jekyll and built with Bootstrap (v3.3.7), jQuery (v3.7.1), and Font Awesome (v6.7.2). This website also utilizes the following fonts obtained from Google Fonts: Open Sans, Lora.
Additional credits (in no particular order):
- Maruan Al-Shedivat and the others who contribute to al-folio, as a lot of HTML and CSS code for this website has been inspired (i.e., taken) from this repository.
- Andrej Karpathy, as the home page of his website inspired the home page of this website.
- Joel Glovier, as the CV page of this website uses a modified version of his resume-template Jekyll theme.
- Nicolas Gallagher for normalize.css (v8.0.1).
- James Ives for github-pages-deploy-action.